Crater Lake is always beautiful !

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Freedom isn't Free or without Pain

I began this blog to write about some of the funny or interesting adventures that have happened to me while living my life. At work today I was again reminded that most peoples lives are not as simple as mine...

One of the ladies that I work with came to work this morning quite distraught because she had gotten word during the night that her son was injured while serving his country in Afghanistan.  She wasn't sure how bad his injuries were yet but a mother always thinks the worst while waiting for what is reality.  I told her, "you should go home today and be with the rest of your family".  She has three sons serving in these crazy wars we are involved in now.  With tears in her eyes she just looked at me and said "you guys here at work are my family".  You can't argue with that kind of reasoning so I reminded her that if she needed anything we were there for her.  Additionally I added  America is also behind you and your sons too.

I honestly don't know if I support all the ideas of why we are in Afghanistan or Iraq now.  Yes I know more evil men like those who flew jetliners into our Twins Towers in New York City still hide in these countries plotting to "Kill the Great Satin", America, us.  I felt the pain when we began finding out that we had lost 343 firemen that terrible day on 9/11 even though I did not know a single one of the fire guys personally, let alone any of the other innocent people working in the buildings. 
It is a strange bond that fire guys feel naturally for one another, even though we try too give off the perception that we do not have feelings.  Larrieann and I visited Ground Zero last Spring when we went to meet my new granddaughter for the first time.  Reminding you again that I am not a religious person in anyway, I still could feel that I was standing on hallowed ground the day we visited Ground Zero. 

I don't understand why we fight wars the way we do in this day and age.  We (America) are suppose to be "the big dog on the block" I wish we would act like that dog.  I am of the mind set, "if you hurt one of my boys", I "will turn your country into glass".  I'd bring all our kids home from all around the world and link them elbow to elbow around this great nation of ours.  The new uniforms would say "Bring It On".  You mess with us and I'd be pushing the thermo- nuclear button.  Japan learned this the hard way. 

Late in the day she got a call from her injured son telling her he was ok, but she could tell he was lying, mom's know about that kind of stuff.  This soldier was at least talking and that is always a good sign. 
Roo, our thoughts are with you and your boy tonight.  The rallying cry after 9/11 was,  NEVER FORGET!  Trust me, I have not forgotten about my three hundred and forty three brothers.


  1. My best wishes and speedy recovery to Roo's son and just give her a hug, from me. Mom

  2. Wow! What a powerful story Bill. I will pray for her and her sons so they may return home safely to her arms. To say Ground Zero was one site I will never forget doesn't give justice to the feeling I felt. I wanted to just sit down and weep for all those who lost their lives.
