Crater Lake is always beautiful !

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Froggie went a Courtin

... one night I needed to use the restroom but someone else was already using our only properly functioning restroom. We had started to build a second bathroom with both toilet and a shower stall but it was unfinished and nobody had ever used the new side yet. The toilet flushed but the lights were not hooked up inside the room. I figured heck I built the darn thing so I should be able to fumble around in the darkness and take care of my business. I open the door slowly and checked for spiders the best I could without any lights on, turned around and pulled my pants down to begin contemplating about life. No more had I sat down and began to relax when I felt something jump on my hangy down things. Now I had never had anything like this happen to me before but immediately I knew a frog had jumped on my family jewels. I knew this by the fact that I could feel his little sucker toes hanging on for dear life as I leaped for safety out through the bathroom door.

We did have guests that weekend so I wasn't in the "wilderness" so I did scream like a girl. Instantly I grabbed between my legs to retrieve the wart causing sucker almost tearing my testicles off while doing so. I nabbed that frog and threw him at the side of the restroom hearing only a screeeeech as he slide down the side of the wall. Running for the light of our trusty campfire...  and again my newest guests ask, Blaze "What in the Hell are you doing".

1 comment:

  1. I have always wanted to decorate Bills bathroom in frogs- so this weekend while garage saling I bought a few- but didn't have the heart to put them in the bathroom. So they look good on my table on the deck...
